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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/09/2007

Chichester Conservation Commission
4/9/07~Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.  Present:  Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Dawn Marshall
Bob taking minutes

1.  Review of Minutes from March 12, 2007 meeting and review of mail.  
Minutes were unanimously approved without any changes.

2.  Discussion of Phase 2 Wetlands Inventory
Peter Steckler of VHB, Inc. reviewed the Phase 2 contract and answered question from the Commission.  A VHB representative will be present for the 5/14/07 informational meeting.   Work to date and field activities will be discussed.  VHB would like an updated digitized property map.  Mailing to wetland abutters with notice of the 5/14 meeting will be mailed next week.   Motion to approve contract as presented.  Voted Aye 5, Nay 0.

3. Goals status review
Long Term
a.  Complete wetlands inventory – covered under 2. above.

b.  Increase involvement with the Planning board – no new activity

c.  Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area Management Plan/dam repair.
Research of funding sources is ongoing.   Pre-application for LCHIP funding has been mailed.

d.  Carpenter Park Survey – complete

e.  Carpenter Park Management Plan - Zack is the designated CCC rep.   He will arrange a meeting with Selectmen and inform the Commission.    Zack described a field walk of the property on the southerly side of Bear Hill Rd.  Vegetation type, terrain, and connection to abutting properties were noted.

Short Term
a.  Access to MSCA - No news.   

b.  Establish a stewardship account -  complete

c.  Adopt Criteria for accepting a conservation easement – Draft criteria prepared by Mike Marchand were reviewed.  Motion to adopt criteria document as drafted.  Voted Aye 5, Nay 0.

d.  Habitat/ vernal pool inventory of Town-owned land – complete

e.  Website maintenance – We are still in need of someone to take the lead on this.  No new action.

f.  Land protection contacts – Nothing new to report

4. Other
a.  2007 Goals.   Initiate discussion on this at the June meeting.
b.  Meeting with David Kenneally for 4/17 at the Town Shed to discuss work proposed around the shed.
c.  Road cleanup discussed, will bring this up w/ Road Agent

Meeting was adjourned at 8:51 PM